Dr. Clayton Chisum

Dr. Clayton Chisum

Lead Pastor

Dr. Clayton Chisum is our Lead Pastor.  We are so glad to have him, his wife Holly and kids Corban and Hannah at Central.

*Hover/Click on our pics to see the REAL personalities of our staff 🙂


Ryland Russell

Worship & Media Arts Pastor
Read Ryland's Bio:

Which famous person would play you in a movie?
Chris Pratt?

What are your pet peeves?
Taking personality tests.

What is your strongest quality?
I play well with others.

What is your biggest weakness?
Much like Michael Scott, I work too hard and I care too much.

What is your favorite movie and why?
Nacho Libre! Also, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Shawshank Redemption, Dumb & Dumber.

Who is your favorite author?
It’s no secret to my friends that I don’t read.  The last book I read cover to cover was by the esteemed author Henry Chadwick.

What would you like to ask God when you get to heaven?
Hmmmm, I think I’ll be speechless…

What are the must-have items in your refrigerator/pantry?

Coffee, ketchup, and some reserve Ramen noodles stuffed in the back corner just in case.

Noah Mccormick

Student Pastor
Read Noah's Bio:

What was your favorite TV show when growing up?

All That & Boy Meets World

Choose a movie title for the story of your life.
“It ain’t easy being cheesy… the Noah Mccormick story”

What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
Read the Marvel superhero encyclopedia.

What is your favorite cereal?
Lucky Charms

What was your childhood nickname?
Noah Poah

What, or who, are you a “closet” fan of?
Hardcore Christian rap

What are three things still left on your bucket list?
Go to Costa Rica, find Bigfoot, and do a food eating challenge at a restaurant

Mindy Russell

Kids Minister
Read Mindy's Bio:

Which famous person would play you in a movie?
Amy Poehler

What is your strongest quality?
Announcing that my water had broken on Facebook when I had actually wet my pants. I learned a lot about discretion on social media that day.

What are your pet peeves?
Bad smells. Lying. When people make annoying noises.

What is your strongest quality?

What are the must-have items in your refrigerator/pantry?
If there is coffee, then all the world is right.

What is your favorite movie?
Anything starring Steve Martin

Who is your favorite author?
Henry Chadwick

What would you like to ask God when you get to heaven?
Can I please visit the dinosaur room?


Debra Stephens

Connection Director
Read Debra's Bio:

Which famous person would play you in a movie?
Joan Cusack

What is your strongest quality?
Seeing humor in every situation

What is your biggest weakness?
Seeing humor in every situation

What would you like to ask God when you get to heaven?
I won’t have to, I’ll have all the answers! (ok, WHY did you make the mosquito?)

What are the must-have items in your refrigerator/pantry?
Butter, I own all the Paula Deen cookbooks.

What did you want to be when you were 6 years old?
An artist

What is your favorite food/restaurant?

What are your hobbies/interests?
trompe L’oeil painting, gardening, crocheting, bleaching everything

What were your favorite activities as a child?
Reading, building lego houses, anything artsy, hosting the “Debra Show” in my room with my imaginary guests: Bobby Sherman and David Cassidy.

Do you play a musical instrument?
I can play the piano but seriously need to practice. I always wanted to play the xylophone (the big one, not the Fisher Price one)!

Who first introduced you to Jesus Christ?
Many people, can’t name one specifically

Who most influenced your walk with Christ and why?
Many people. God orchestrated a diverse symphony of people to reach me.

Please tell us about your family.
Married to Clay Stephens since 1983, 4 children, Kenton 87, Sydney 89, Natalie 94 and Garrett 99.

Please tell us about your call to Central.
My call to Central and call to ministry happened simultaneously.  My background: I had served in many capacities at Central over a period of 14 years;  Sunday School Teacher, VBS leader, Sunday School Director, VBS Director, Women’s Ministry leadership, Women’s Bible Study Teacher, Kitchen help, set constructor, general flunkie.  We had been looking for a Children’s Director for 18 months when God started nudging me  that He was calling me to do this.  I fought it (yes, I’d seen that job, and didn’t want it!) for several months.  February 22, 2005 I gave up on arguing with God and submitted my resume, and on April 25, 2005 I was voted in.  I would not trade a minute of it since!  I genuinely love my job and the families I work with,  and find it a privilege to be able to do this everyday.

Please tell us about your upbringing.
I grew up in the Tulsa area and we settled in Owasso in 1971 (3rd grade).  So far I haven’t escaped.

If you couldn’t do what you are doing now, what would you do?
Run my own multi-million dollar greeting card empire like Mary Englebreit, have my own show on the Food Network and pal around with Paula Deen, own a landscaping nursery, or open a Christian tattoo parlor (I’m kidding, don’t send e-mails quoting Leviticus 19:28) but I think I’d be a pretty mean tattoo artist!

What do you love the most about your job?
Seeing people surrender to Christ and getting the honor and privilege to watch or be a small part of it. I love to go on mission trips and host VBS’s on location, and you can’t get any better than kid’s camp!  Oh yeah, and I get to play with lots of toys and nobody questions it.

Please share your salvation experience in how you came to Christ.
I accepted Christ as my Savior when I was in third grade at an after school meeting of the “Good News Club” that met in Fleeta Sunday’s garage in Owasso.  We were not attending church at the time.  I went to church off and on throughout my school years with friends (ironically I went to Central several times).  I always knew that I should be in church, but since my family didn’t go, I didn’t go very often.  It was after I was married and had two children that God really started working on my heart that I should have my kids in church.  Through many friendships and divine appointments, the kids and I started attending Central.  Going through an “Experiencing God” class really solidified my understanding of God and my relationship with him.

I was baptized when I was 28 (I knew I was saved, but had never been baptized).   I’m now happy to say that 14 years after that, Clay made the same decision and we both now serve at Central.

Ben Grasser

Missions Pastor
Read Ben's Bio:

What is your hidden talent?

Need a balloon animal? I’m your guy!

Coffee or Tea?

I’ve been known at “The Bucks” by name and order (Grande Flat White) in every town I’ve ever lived in but I also love a good chai.

What is your favorite place in the world? 

Trick question. ALL the places, especially those not on the map.

Who is your favorite character from the Bible, and what qualities do you admire in them?

You’d think I would say the missionary Paul…but actually, it’s Joshua for his strength, courage, and faithfulness.

What’s one item on your bucket list that you hope to accomplish someday?

Of all the places I’ve been, I still haven’t seen the Holy Land. I’d love to visit Israel and walk where Jesus walked.

What’s your go-to comfort food? 

Spicy Chinese noodles with pickled vegetables, the spicier the better!

What are some hobbies or interests you pursue outside of your church responsibilities?

I love to duck hunt with my son and buddies. Though with my shooting ability, it is mostly about hanging with the guys than actually shooting ducks.

Who has been a spiritual role model in your life?

Most of my spiritual role models and heroes are unknown names that serve faithfully in mission fields around the world…most of them in the midst of incredible persecution.

How do you feel about Sasquatch?

Fake news and anyone that believes differently is crazy…now the Yetis of the Himalayas…I’m pretty sure I’ve seen those.

Donia Ledford

Executive Ministry Assistant

Katie Wilkerson

Media and Publications Assistant

Pam Rains

Financial Secretary

Beth McConnell

Database Assistant

Matt Flindt

Business Administrator

Ian Scott

Facilities Director

Jana Oder

Grand Central Kids Preschool Director

Katie Jennings

GCK Assistant Director

Brett Farr

Tech Director